Crane Bus Sign
Crane Bus Sign
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Before the Fern Hollow bridge collapsed in January 2022 many Pittsburghers didn’t even realize that stretch of Forbes Avenue was a bridge. As a major connector between Regent Square and Squirrel Hill, the bridge spanned the gap over Fern Hollow for 49 years before its untimely fall. The Tranquil Trail, a relatively flat path through the heart of Frick Park, was directly below the bridge and offered park goers a unique look at the underside one of the city’s many bridges.
When the bridge fell around 6:40am it took with it the 60 foot 61B Braddock-Swissvale port authority bus. A few days later a crane was brought in to lift the 44,000 pound bus out of the wreckage which is what inspired this pin. Like the sinkhole bus before it, crane bus was an unbelievable and iconic sight. Pittsburgh, the city of bridges and bus incidents.
All of our stickers are printed on a thick, durable vinyl with a matte finish - great for water bottles, laptops, and just about anywhere. The magnets are perfect for your fridge or car!